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Treść opublikowana przez adas13

  1. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Dlaczego nie wykupisz abo w CDA, lub innego operatora, napewno nie bedzie problemu, wtedy tylko aplikacja bedzie inna. Narazie Adas
  2. Sybsystem Andka masz w 11, nie potrzeba zadnych gratow, ale znam apki co nie odpalisz tak. Napewno Xiaomi bym nie kupowal. Narazie Adas
  3. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Czegos takiego nie slyszalem, co znaczy plynny, twoj dostawca "haczy" , czy masz na mysli fps, bo to juz nalezy do operatora. Narazie Adas
  4. adas13

    Nvidia Shield TV

    Nadal swoje, od zawsze stosowane sa 2x 3.0 typ A. Jak dziala HDD w SHIELD PRO nie wiem, moja SSD jest podpieta pod router (NAS). Narazie Adas
  5. adas13

    Nvidia Shield TV

    O jakim modelu mowa? W kazdym modelu sa dwa USB Narazie Adas
  6. adas13

    Nokia Streaming Box 8010

    Tivimate Narazie Adas
  7. adas13

    Nokia Streaming Box 8010

    Smartes jest nic nie warte, ale dziala jak klikasz w pole, wersje tam upchales jaka? Narazie Adas
  8. adas13

    Nokia Streaming Box 8010

    W jakiej aplikacji? Narazie Adas
  9. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Tivimate 5.0.4 Narazie Adas TiviMate_5.0.4.rar
  10. adas13

    Google TV Chromecast

    Amlogic S905X5: CPU ARM Cortex-A510 GPU ARM Mali-G310 V5 40k DMIPS 6 nm PCIe 3.0 S905X5M: CPU ARM Cortex-A55 GPU ARM Mali-G310 V2 30k DMIPS 6 nm S905Y5: CPU ARM Cortex-A55 GPU ARM Mali G31 MP2 20k DMIPS Narazie Adas
  11. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Tivimate 5.0.3 OTA --- a w AFTV "join beta", czego nie widac w Shield. Narazie Adas TiviMate_5.0.3.rar
  12. adas13

    Nokia Streaming Box 8010

    Dzis oficjalnie: Narazie Adas
  13. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Tivimate 5.0.2 - UI improvements - Bug fixes Narazie Adas tivimate 5.0.2.rar
  14. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Dodales liste m3u, wiadomo. #EXTINF: Narazie Adas
  15. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Lista z E2 nie dziala pod apkami, tutaj mamy inne zasady gry. Narazie Adas
  16. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Tivimate 5.0.1 Narazie Adas tivimate 5.0.1.rar
  17. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Na jakich ustawieniach sie ,,bawiles,,? Narazie Adas
  18. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    OTT Narazie Adas
  19. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Jeszcze raz, linki moge przerobic ale nie beda dzialac w TM , bo nie obsluguje DRM. Lic? Linki pochodza z ? (VECTRA) Narazie Adas
  20. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Poczytales co pisalem wyzej, DRM lezy w Tivi. Policzyles sam , czy "pozyczone" z SL. Narazie Adas
  21. adas13

    TiviMate IPTV Player

    Tivimate 5.0.0 Podziekowal Narazie Adas
  22. adas13

    Nokia Streaming Box 8010

    Nokia 8010 v12.8.3638, andek 12 powolutku wyplywa. Narazie Adas
  23. adas13

    OTT Navigator IPTV

    OTT Navigator Changelog v1.7.1.3 beta - player: try to auto-switch to hls if content unparsable as mpeg-ts - playlist: otc format supports passing category type - vod: support for hidden categories in new movies/series ui - config: control whatever to reopen stream when unpausing archived video that was paused for the given amount of seconds (default 20) - ux: try to trigger app start action on reactivating without active fragment (may help most scenarios when app launch leads to empty page) - xc: fix invalid movie response parsing that breaks movies loading - ux: fix afr setting unreachable when user has too many supported resolutions - backup: added option to merge providers on restoring backup (only unique urls are accepted) - player: bindable action to switch to prev/next archive record on current channel - ux: backup option to store both settings + channel meta (but skip providers) - playlist: added templates {start_iso}, {end_iso} and {now_iso} to represent starting/ending/current time in ISO8601 format v1.7.1.4 beta - home: allow pinning virtual categories (with folded subcategories) to main screen - archive: fix auto-switch to next archive record when no epg available - stalker: support new series/movies screens - playlist: support for audio_track and video_track to auto-select a track on playback by default - recent: can clear recent channels via recent category properties - codec: fallback to low-priority decoder if high-priority fails and fine-tuned default bufer values - otc: support for key-value pairs in headers attr - playlist: support for base64-encoded response for EXTATTRFROMURL/runtime_attr_url - config: allow user to change position of home screen launcher buttons - module: allows to toggle showing streams just started view on main screen Jezeli nie posiadasz L1: Narazie Adas
  24. Dla testu zaladowalem mu stalkera w Tivi, 15k live kanalow, i dziala normalnie, potwor szybkosci to nie jest ale wykonal to co mial. Narazie Adas
  25. TCL 43P631 i wszystko dziala, uzywam swoja liste. Narazie Adas
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